35 Years of Columbia Transport
On February 8, 2017, Columbia Transport celebrated the 35th Anniversary Effective July 1st, 2016, Shippers Must Report Verified Gross Mass (VGM) to Carriers
A requirement to report the actual weight (described as “verified gross mass” or VGM) of the freight in ocean containers to the carriers will soon add additional responsibilities for... SOLAS container weight verification
Verification of the gross mass of packed containers, a mandatory transmission from July, 1st 2016 Implementation : July, 1st 2016 Concept : all packed containers’ gross mass should be verified prior to... Arrival Of The World’s Largest Container Ship – MSC Oscar In Rotterdam
Arrival Of The World’s Largest Container Ship – MSC Oscar In Rotterdam. ABOUT GLA

Intermodal 2014
Columbia Transport Srl is exhibiting from April 1 to 3, 2014 at Intermodal 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Intermodal is the 2nd largest International Exhibition for Logistics, Cargo and... Internet scam notice
It has come to our attention that some unscrupulous individuals are using the name of Columbia Transport in a scam to offer apartment rentals in Canada and at other... 
World Record Motorcycles imported into Italy by Columbia Transport Srl
The electric motorcycles of the longest journey world record were imported into Italy by Columbia Transport Srl See more about it here: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/7000/longest-journey-by-electric-motorcycle What is Logistics?
Learn about what Logistics is with this interesting video!